File spoon-archives/sa-cyborgs.archive/sa-cyborgs_2002/sa-cyborgs.0212, message 13

Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 11:52:44 -0500

you cut him off
those of us who could be helpful to

how could you?

you cut him off because you thought these were

wayward ways of being

you cut him off from him inner source of sustenance

do you see that

at least  now?

you cut him off from being able to learn from our struggles

how could you?

with open arms and starving hearts we waited long years

to be able to comfort him and to tell him
it's okay

to be who you are....

as you continued to try to change him
i could have told you
not to

but you refused to talk to me

remembering your own childhood

how could you?


there was so much love and understanding
we could have shared with him

so much he could have learned from our struggles

but you cut him off
and made him believe
he was alone

in his difference

how could you?

                 you cut him off and made me believe i was different
                         not worthy

how could you?

                 how could you make me feel a failure when it was you who 
needed to learn?

how could you forget our childhood

and take his away from me?

Radhika Gajjala



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