Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 12:04:27 -0400 Subject: they say that inbetween waking and sleep [[i donned her earrings at dawn the dreams you remember [[the only real thing of hers that she ever touched my grandmother they come true i remember the dream it was a dream of a dream, i realized when i finally awoke but how can it come true? [[i have her forehead they used to say he is no longer anywhere on earth in the dream he read from letters in the dream that the dream dreamt, he was telling me where to find those letters and in the dream that the dream dreamt i knew what i was looking for that he gave me the answers to what was he helping me decode my awake self now wonders because i really was not look for any scripts - certainly not asking him i know... [the only real thing of hers i have in the dream that the dream happened in, [there was such clarity in that dream that i woke from the dream into before i woke up and wondered why i dreamt that dream and what the secret he was revealing to me a question i had not posed in awakening - or did i? do i remember when i was awake long ago - years ago what questions i asked him - is he returning to tell me where i can find the scripts i was then asking for?] i found the answers in the letters he had hidden away do you know if there are any letters he has hidden away? [i did not have the courage to look throught the dusty files that he had not hidden away when i came that last time] as i spoke to you on the telephone that day you told me she told you the story they must have told me the story in different ways when i was small but her voice emerges in different ways revealing secrets articulating woven in ways i have not heard before is it because she has not told them before or because in my listening to his voice(s) i did not hear her speak what stories dont you know about me why have i not bothered to tell them have you ever asked me why you dont always hear what i say only sometimes when i say it over again you hear me this time - aha - you say.... in the dream that i dreamt of - was he revealing to me where my grand-mother's inheritance lay? what script was he decoding for me and why? Radhika Gajjala _______________________
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