Subject: Fwd: Publication announcement/Domain Errors! Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 08:29:09 +0500 At Saturday, 5 July 2003, wrote: >Dear all: Please post this on your lists. Thank you very much, subRosa > >-------------PLEASE WELCOME--------------- > >DOMAIN ERRORS! CYBERFEMINIST PRACTICES. A subRosa Project. A new anthology >edited by Maria Fernandez, Faith Wilding and Michelle M. Wright. >Published by Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY, 2003. > >Part performative intervention, part radical polemic and activist manual, >Domain Errors! Cyberfeminist Practices introduces a diverse international >group >of feminist writers, artists, theorists, and activists engaged in formulating >a >contestational politics for tactical cyberfeminism. This recombinant book >highlights productive intersections of feminist and postcolonial discourses >through critical analyses of the embodied politics of digital culture. Opening >areas repressed in previous cyberfeminist discourses, the authors map >contemporary >social relations between women as they are mediated and transformed by digital > and bio-technologies. > >Contributors: Irina Aristarkhova, Rhadika Gajjala, Emily de Araujo, Maria >Fernandez, Christina Hung, Pattie Belle Hastings, Amelia Jones, Terri >Kapsalis, >Tania Kupczak, Annapurna Mamidipudi, Lisa Nakamura, Susanna Paasonen, Claire >Pentecost, Lucia Sommer, subRosa, Nell Tenhaaf, Faith Wilding, Hyla >Willis,Michelle M. Wright. > >Advance readers say: >If you want another e-feminist volume rehashing Lacan, weaving as metaphor, >or icon as on-line identity, don't buy this book. These cyberfeminists take no >prisoners as they march through the virtual territories of postcolonial power >vectors in an attempt to establish living models of resistance. Lock and load, >ladies! ––Critical Art Ensemble > >This exceptional collection of writings and artist projects PERFORMS a >resistant feminist politics. Charting new strategies and practices, the >authors >imagine liberatory possibilities for our bodies, identities, and social >relations >in the era of digitized networks and genetic engineering.-––Miwon Kwon, >editor, Documents > >This provocative book makes it perfectly clear that feminism is not dead—it's > >a critical weapon…a must read for all becoming cyberfeminists and autonomous >agents! ––Elizabeth Hess, writer/critic > >Domain Errors! Cyberfeminist Practices. >subRosa: >Paper, $15 USD, 6"x9", 288 pages, ISBN 1-57027-141-0 >Information: >Individual orders and course adoptions: >Autonomedia, Phone/FAX (718)963-2603; email: >Regular Mail orders: PO Box 568, Brooklyn, NY. 11211-0568 > Radhika Gajjala
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