File spoon-archives/seminar-10.archive/deleuze_1995/sem-10.jun95-dec95, message 22

Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 08:27:28 EDT
From: (Malgosia Askanas)
Subject: Re: sarcasm

> That sounds like a euphemism for venomous sarcasm.  And the only reason such 
> sentiment appears in the "whole released" lies in the fact that cheap sarcasm 
> is the sole "creative" constituent in every scene.  The "moral" content of 
> the film is--for good or bad--as uniform as the editing style (which no one 
> has taken up yet).

Let's say for the moment, cheaply or not so cheaply, that the film is
about denial.  So in almost every scene and episode there is something
which is present -- _in image_ -- but the characters act as if it
wasn't there.  Does this already constitute cheap sarcasm?  

- malgosia 

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