File spoon-archives/seminar-10.archive/deleuze_1995/sem-10.jun95-dec95, message 42

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 95 07:50:49 EDT
From: (Malgosia Askanas)
Subject: Short Cuts: summaries of episodes

Some of this is undoubtedly inaccurate, and needs correcting.  I just want 
to expose the skeletal "plots".   

- malgosia

Earl and Noreen

  Limo driver; waitress in roadside diner. 
  Have yet another bitter fight about his drinking, her encouragement of
  customer lewdness.  He storms out; comes back later.  They make up and
  drink together.  

Harold and Ann 

  Prominent newscaster.  
  Son gets hit by car on day before birthday. 
  Walks home seemingly unhurt, falls asleep, dies shortly after without
  identifiable injury.  Baker from whom birthday cake has been ordered 
  but not picked up makes harassing phone calls.  Confrontation after
  child's death results in breakfast of fresh muffins. 

Zoe and her mother

  Cellist; nightclub singer. 
  Zoe alternates between playing cello, playing basketball and flirting
  with suicide.  Ultimately commits suicide. 

Jerry and ???

  Swimming-pool serviceman; phone-sex provider.
  Go on picnic with Bill and wife; the men go after two female cyclists,
  and Jerry brutally kills one of them. 

Marion and Ralph

  Painter; doctor.
  He forces her to admit, in detail, to a long-suspected infidelity. 
  Followed immediately by dinner with Stuart and Claire: jeopardy,
  clown disguises. 

Claire and Stuart 

  Clown; unemployed.
  He goes fishing while body of drowned woman is in water.  Fish is
  brought to dinner at Marion and Ralph's.  

Gene and Sheri  

  Policeman; housewife.
  He a philanderer.  Tries to get rid of the family dog by dumping it in 
  a remote neighborhood.  Then makes family happy by fetching the dog 
  (is it the same dog?  it no longer barks) back.

Stormy and Betty 

  Helicopter pilot. 
  Divorced.  He finds out ex-wife has lover, and goes on a bout destroying 
  all her possession. 

Bill and ???

  Movie-studio makeup man.
  He turned on by women made up to look like they've just been abused, and
  having them tell abuse stories.  Go on picnic with Jerry and his wife. 

     --- from list ---


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