File spoon-archives/seminar-10.archive/deleuze_1995/sem-10_Apr.95, message 9

Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 00:14:12 +1000
From: (Melissa McMahon)
Subject: Re: Frame-by-frame animation

malgosia wrote 8/4/95:
>You use the word "capture"; but can FBF animation be said to "capture"
>anything?  Movement here is _created_, not captured -- and it can be
>created in such a way that it doesn't obey any laws of "natural"

You're right, 'capture' is not the best term to use here.
The question of the role of 'visual reality' in the cinema books is
interesting - there is for example the challenge to cinema being understood
along the same lines as 'natural perception' in the first chapter. I think
the way the cinema creates its own sort of perception gets brought out
later (I've just started reading the chapter on the 'perception-image'). It
doesn't seem to pose a problem when he is talking about, say, the 'Ballet
mecanique' or German expressionism (but what is the 'visual reality' we are
talking about?), but perhaps animation raises problems of a different sort.

In relation to the kind of 'stagey' films that you mentioned, I am tempted
to suggest that the relation to the out of field is perhaps similar to the
cases he mentions where there is a 'flattening' of the frame or field such
that it bears a more direct relation with the 'absolute' 'outside',
bypassing the more conventional relations that this 'absolute' out-of-field
conditions; and that the 'poses' here perhaps fit into the categories that
are developed in the second book where the body emerges as a 'postural'
body (ie lending itself to 'postures'), rather than an action-body.

- Melissa offhand thought: it has been noted that Raul Ruiz is surprisingly
absent from the cinema books (especially when you consider Ruiz'
collaborations with Klossowski) - this remark was put to him when he was in
Australia last year, and he replied that he and Deleuze had had a fight (as
in _fists_) and... that was that (didn't get a chance to find out more). I
thought of this just in relation to the question of Deleuze's attitude to
'visual reality', but I doubt that this anecdote is necessarily
'indicative' or 'formative' of any general approach in the cinema books.
But maybe others disagree, or know more...

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