File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_1999/spoon-announcements.9903, message 1

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 22:01:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Thinking Community

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Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 11:52:44 PST
From: Susan Fox <>
Subject: cfp

Call for Papers Call for thought Call for Papers Call for thought
The coming being is whatever being.  In the Scholastic enumeration of 
transcendentals (quodlibet ens est unum, verum, bonum seu 
perfectum-whatever entity is one,true, good, or perfect), the term that, 
remaining unthought in each, conditions the meaning of all the others is 
the adjective quodlibet.  The common translation of this term as 
"whatever" in the sense of "it does not matter which, indifferently" is 
certainly correct, but in its form the Latin says exactly the opposite:  
Quidlibet ens is not "being, it does not matter which," but rather 
"being such that it always matters." The Latin always already contains, 
that is, a reference to the will (libet).  Whatever being has an 
original relation to desire.
 Giorgio Agamben The Coming Community,(University of Minnesota Press: 
Minneapolis,1990) p.1 

There is an urgency in philosophical, political, literary and 
educational theory that arrives in the form of a solicitation to think 
Community.  Thinkers such as Bataille, Blanchot, Agamben, Nancy, to name 
a few, have begun to scratch the surface of what Community is demanding 
us to think.  This anthology will address this demand, seeking to 
articulate our place, our posture, our time where our relation to 
Community is necessitated by our relation to the thinking of Community. 
Questions that may be considered: Have we responded to, much less 
recognized, the call of, for and by Community?  How do we begin to 
address the relation of the solicitation of Community?  How are we in 
relation to this call, this obligation, this necessity? Any real 
engagement with Community must begin with the thinking of Community. The 
Editors are in search of papers that are engaged with thinking Community 
outside of the bounds of conventional identity thinking. All serious 
creative responses that engage Community as something yet to be thought 
will be considered.  

Submission of full length papers only are due by or before July 15, 
1999. Formatting: Double-space, 12 point font, footnotes preferred, 1 
inch margins, maximum length 25 pages, there is not a minimum. Please 
submit hard copies and disk copies to each editor in either Microsoft 
Word or WordPerfect. Both PC and Mac are welcome. 
Susan C. Fox				Ujvala Singh
1900 S. Eads Street #1221	Department of Comparative Literature
Arlington, VA 22202			9th Floor Van Hise Hall
email:	University of Wisconsin-Madison
				Madison, WI 53706


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