Date: 27 Dec 99 14:20:38 -0600 Subject: SPOON-ANN: UNESCO-EOLSS Encyclopedia Project [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without cross-posting. To unsub, send the message "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to] UNESCO-EOLSS Encyclopedia Project CALL FOR AUTHORS UNESCO is sponsoring a large-scale encyclopedia that is to include articles in all areas of philosophy. An outgrowth of several United Nations earth summits, the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems is directed at concerns of sustainable development broadly conceived and ranging over issues of science, technology, economics, and social policy. Philosophy is being given a fundamental place in the encyclopedia for its role in the foundations of knowledge. The UNESCO-EOLSS project will result in one of the largest encyclopedias ever produced and will be published in CD-rom format. The Board of General Advisors is comprised of over a dozen Nobel Laureates, as well as several UN Kalinga Laureates and World Food Prize Laureates. Articles in all major areas of philosophy from epistemology, metaphysics, logic, ethics and values, and also the history of philosophy will be included, a few between 10-15,000 words, but most between 5-10,000 words. Authors will receive honoraria from the publisher at rates dependent on length. If you are interested in participating in the exciting UNESCO-EOLSS project and would like further information on it, as well as a list of topics to be included, please e-mail Thomas Magnell, the Honorary Theme Editor for Philosophy. Thomas Magnell, HTE Philosophy, EOLSS Department of Philosophy Drew University Madison, NJ 07940 USA
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