Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:51:42 +0000 Subject: SPOON-ANN: ANGELAKI: ToC & News [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without cross-posting. To unsub, send the message "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to] Angelaki News and New Issue The 4.2 special issue of _Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities_ has just been published and the contents appear below. _Angelaki_ will be published under the Routledge imprint starting 2000. There is a new website for the journal at: Thank you Gerard Greenway managing editor A N G E L A K I A N G E L A K I journal of the theoretical humanities volume 4 number 2 september 1999 special issue: MACHINIC MODULATIONS new cultural theory & technopolitics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ issue editor: John Armitage, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK are cybernetic machines and postmodern cultural theories of technology now yielding to new *hypermodern* theories and the emergence of technopolitics? the writers assembled here present a variety of perspectives on contemporary technocultural and technopolitical practices, ranging across the key contributions of marxist, situationist, post-marxist, poststructuralist, postmodern, and hypermodern theorists. CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~ Editorial Introduction John Armitage 1 Section I: New Cultural Theory All That is Solid Melts into Airwaves McKenzie Wark 19 Situationist Strategies and Mutant Technologies Alastair Bonnett 25 Theory, Technology and Cultural Power: An Interview with Manuel Castells Joanne Roberts 33 Crash Theory: The Ubiquity of the Fetish at the End of Time Roy Boyne 41 A Virtual Theory of Global Politics, Mimetic War, and the Spectral State James Der Derian 53 Dissecting the Data Body: An Interview with Arthur and Marilouise Kroker John Armitage 69 Bathos of Technology and Politics in Fourth Order Simulacra Mike Gane 75 The Information Bomb: A Conversation Paul Virilio and Friedrich Kittler 81 Data Crash: Apocalypse and Global Economic Crisis Michael A. Weinstein 91 Stories from the Research Labs Text and Pictures Louise K. Wilson 95 Section II: Technopolitics Globalisation from Below? Toward a Radical Democratic Technopolitics Douglas Kellner 101 Ontological Anarchy, The Temporary Autonomous Zone, and The Politics of Cyberculture: A Critique of Hakim Bey John Armitage 115 Whither the Virtual: Slavoj Zizek and Cyberfeminism Verena Andermatt Conley 129 Theory of State: Deleuze, Guattari, and Virilio on the State, Technology and Speed Patrick Crogan 137 The Female UNIX Mark Dery 149 Touch, Digital Communication and the Ticklish Cathryn Vasseleu 153 Against Virtual Community: For a Politics of Distance Kevin Robins 163 Conducting Technologies: Virilio's and Latour's Philosophies of the Present State T. Hugh Crawford 171 Getting "The Real Facts": Contemporary Cultural Theory and Avant-Garde Technocultural Practices Nicholas Zurbrugg 183 Practical Anarchy: An Interview with Critical Art Ensemble Mark Little 192 Pictures throughout by Louise K. Wilson and Critical Art Ensemble ISBN 0 902879 26 X About ANGELAKI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities_ is a print journal published three times a year by Carfax Publishing Limited. The journal publishes two theme issues and one general issue per volume. ISSN: 0969-725X. _Angelaki_ was selected Best New Journal in the 1996 Council of Editors of Learned Journals Awards. For further details of the journal and contents listings please visit: 'Since its inception in 1993, the journal _Angelaki_ has established itself as a leading forum of theoretical reflection, providing a practical refutation of all those who would celebrate "the end of theory." Whether it is focused on thematic issues of the most varied nature, introducing thinkers to English-language readers, or treating a variety of problems in open issues, _Angelaki_ challenges the complacency of the self-evident. Required reading for the next millennium.' Samuel Weber Gerard Greenway managing editor A N G E L A K I journal of the theoretical humanities Taylor & Francis, Routledge 44 Abbey Road Oxford OX2 0AE United Kingdom
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