File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2000/spoon-announcements.0004, message 2

Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP In-betweeneity/liminality--study of Culture & Consciousness
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 21:33:14 -0500

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Please post, thanks, Mike Purdy

Call For Papers
XXVII Annual Jean Gebser Conference

Conference Theme:
“In-between-eity: Exploring The In-Between”

Conference Location:
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Conference date: October 26-28, 2000

This is a call for extended abstracts or completed papers for the XXVI
Annual Gebser Conference.  The topic that has been suggested for this year’s
conference is “In-between-eity: Exploring the In-Between”.

Submissions from graduate and advanced undergraduate students are
encouraged.  Submission deadline is June 30, 2000.  Please send submissions

Lonnie Johnson Jr.
Department of Communication
Langston University
Langston, OK  73050

Background of conference theme:
The topic for this year was discussed at the last conference. Attendees
asked about prominent historical figures having found themselves in a time
gap.  Often times, cutting edge ideas had been rejected by their
contemporaries, only later (sometimes generations later) to be established
as foundational in changing the course of history.  This is an example of
how ideas, events, art, and numerous other modes of expression serve as
indefinable, yet transformative instances, a threshold, where the world as
we see it is illuminated in a different way and forever changed.  Somehow
they exist as “in-betweeneity”- in-between structures of consciousness,
in-between cultures, in-between histories, in-between revolutions,
in-between people, in-between experiences, in-between the boundaries.  In
this sense, in-betweeneity/liminality may be thought of as the threshold.
Certainly in Gebser’s work there are the transition periods that are
in-between, but also there are places in experience where the structures of
consciousness are thresholds and interpenetrate/ each other. The primary
purpose of this conference is to describe and illuminate this time/space
commonly experienced as the in-between.
Papers on other subjects are also welcome.

The International Jean Gebser Society For The Study of Culture and
Jean Gebser, born in Posen, Germany in 1905, studied comparative
civilizations.  His monumental work is entitled The Ever-Present Origin
(1985, Ohio U. Press).  In this phenomenology of culture and civilization,
he profoundly describes and illustrates how different modes of consciousness
(cultures) have expressed themselves around the globe (space) throughout
history (time).  The Gebser Society (and its associated journal, Integrative
Explorations) is dedicated to pursuing the work of Gebser’s philosophy and
to continuing his interdisciplinary project of investigating the
intersections of culture/civilization, expression/communication, and

In the past, the Gebser Conference has always generated lively discussions
across a broad range of topics and disciplines.  This year is sure to be no
exception.  Please come and share your ideas.  Be a part of a continuing
Gebserian project for the study of culture, consciousness, and

Information on registration, lodging, travel and transportation to follow,
or check with Mike Purdy ( <>) or
Lonnie Johnson ( <>), or
conference coordinator, <>


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