Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 13:56:31 -0800 Subject: SPOON-ANN: Northwest cfp [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without cross-posting. To unsub, send the message "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to] NORTHWEST CONFERENCE ON PHILOSOPHY Pacific University Forest Grove, Oregon November 10-11, 2000 LAST CALL FOR PAPERS The 52nd annual Northwest Conference on Philosophy will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 10-11, at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. Papers in all areas of philosophy are welcome. Papers should be limited to approximately twenty minutes reading time. Deadline for submissions is SEPTEMBER 30. Send two copies of paper and abstract to: Professor David Boersema Department of Philosophy Pacific University Forest Grove OR 97116 Electronic copies can be sent to: For the conference schedule, information about lodging, and travel directions to Pacific University, see the web site at: In addition to regular paper sessions, there will be a special panel session on November 11 from 1:00-3:00 PM on "Philosophy at the Turn of the Century," with WILLIAM ALSTON (Syracuse University) speaking on epistemology, GILBERT HARMAN (Princeton University) speaking on value theory, and JOHN PERRY (Stanford University) speaking on metaphysics. Anyone interested in serving as a paper commentator or session chair should contact Professor Boersema <>. Anyone interested in pre-registering for the conference can do so at the address above; electronic registration is available on the web site. The registration fee is $40 ($10 for students). The registration fee will cover the banquet on November 10 and lunch on November 11. Please forward this to anyone who would be interested.
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