File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2000/spoon-announcements.0009, message 6

Subject: SPOON-ANN: Call for Papers:  The Toilet:  A Special Issue of  'Postcolonial Studies'
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 02:40:24 GMT

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Postcolonial Studies

A Special Issue: The Toilet

Call for Papers

If 'God shat, and then there was Calcutta', as Günter Grass once so 
derisively suggested, imagine what a closer inspection of the toilet bowl 
would bring! Strange, then, that despite the close attention to the body in 
recent years, the key accoutrement that brought it bodily relief has gone 
largely unattended. Not any more! 'Postcolonial Studies' has planned a 
special issue on the toilet. We are interested in contributions exploring as 
many facets of this topic as is conceivable - from the semiotics of toilet 
plumbing through to the meaning of toilet graffiti; from techniques of the 
body through to the metaphoricity of shit. Naturally, we are most interested 
in those accounts that tie the toilet to postcolonial themes but will also 
consider publishing those that don't.

Potential contributors are encouraged to write to us indicating an intention 
to submit a manuscript. Along with this expression of interest we would also 
require a brief abstract of the proposed paper. We are also happy to accept 
for consideration short stories, photo-essays and reviews. All contributions 
to the toilet issue must be submitted for consideration by April 2001.

Please send three hard copies of the relevant article, review or short story 

Ms. Vanita Seth
Department of Political Science
University of Melbourne
Victoria  3010

Photo-essays should be sent to:

Dr. Stephen Cairns
Department of Architecture and Planning
University of Melbourne
Victoria  3010

For further information including an email copy of the style guide, please 
contact Vanita Seth:

'Postcolonial Studies' is an internationally refereed journal.

Sanjay Seth, Leela Gandhi, Michael Dutton
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