File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2000/spoon-announcements.0010, message 6

Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 12:09:53 +0100
Subject: SPOON-ANN: 'Transforming Tradition'   - Symposium  Durham 4th - 6th

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Creative adaptations to the 21st Century

Symposium     4th - 6th   January 2001   Collingwood College  Durham

In looking forward to the new century it seems significant that a sense of 
changing times is being conceptualised by looking backwards  by making a 
contrast with what has been. It is well known that the shock of the new in 
the modern was cushioned through extensive inventions of tradition. It may 
be that once again traditions as institutionalised forms are being adapted 
and transformed rather than abandoned.

We are holding a symposium that begins from thinking about people, places, 
customs and ceremonials potentially neglected or even marginalised by the 
onward rush of successive modernization. A number of distinguished speakers 
have already agreed to offer presentations on the theme that identities 
which can be or have been seen traditional are not necessarily resistant to 
the challenges of change.

We now invite offers to join us either through offering further 
presentations or in the more general discussions. We plan to gather 
together participants from diverse academic and practice backgrounds but 
all committed to the study of cultural change in order to explore themes in 
the contemporary elaboration of traditional forms. We plan to facilitate 
participation and debate from social theorists as well as those engaged in 
transforming traditional sites through forms of creative activity.

We plan to hold a number of panel sessions and workshops covering the 
themes of inventing, telling, crossing and performing traditions. 
Contributions are therefore now invited from those who feel excited by the 
opportunity to discuss practical uses of tradition as resource in the 
constitution of novelty.

Steven Lukes  Alexandra Howson Paul Atkinson  Anne Witz
Kevin Hetherington Richard Sennett  - and others
will be   discussing inventing  telling  performing and crossing traditions
Why not join them?

Register by 1st  November   -  forms  on the website

If you would like to present a paper or lead a workshop please send the 
title and a short abstract indicating your interest  by 10th  November.

Contact Details

David Chaney    0191 374 2309           email:

Sue Scott               0191 374 2324   email:

Admin Contact

Diane Jones     0191 272 1929       email:
c/o  Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Durham, New 
Elvet, Durham DH1 3JT


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