File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2000/spoon-announcements.0011, message 3

Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 19:39:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SPOON-ANN: Contretemps: an online journal of philosophy

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From: Contretemps <>
Subject: Contretemps: an online journal of philosophy - Issue one now

*************NEW JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT***************

The first issue of Contretemps: an online journal of philosophy is now
available at the following URL:


Contretemps is a new journal of philosophy supported by the School of
Philosophy at the University of Sydney, Australia. Contretemps will publish
original research in modern European philosophy, essays and articles,
conference papers, critical review papers, excerpts from forthcoming books,
interviews and translations. It is the aim of Contretemps to provide a
significant and unique forum where researchers in the humanities and related
fields may share their work and engage with other. We encourage submissions
from a broad range of disciplines, including critical theory, cultural
studies, film and media, art theory and politics. The journal will explore
questions of alterity, ethics, sexuality, justice, law, discourse and
aesthetics. As an online journal, Contretemps seeks to research the place of
philosophical thought and writing in the age of technology and

Contents for Contretemps: 1, September 2000 include:

'Beckett is My Hero: It's Alright': An Interview with Simon Critchley

Stain of God, by Nicholas Strobbe

Changing of the Tones, by Friedrich Hlderlin (translated by Sabine Lamers)

Rendering the Tone, by John Dalton

Heaven, Eternity, and Beauty: An Interview with Max Horkheimer (translated
by Peter Krockenberger)

Toward a Homological Poietics: Intimations, by Andrew Mason

The Secularization of Revelation from Plato to Freud, by Angus Nicholls

The Fallacies and Inhibitions of the Present War, by Helen Petrovsky

In order to view the contents of Contretemps, you will require Adobe Acrobat
Reader. Arcobat Reader may be freely downloaded from Adobe's web-site:


Acrobat Reader should also be available on your campus network, and is also
available from numerous software sites on the World-Wide-Web. Acrobat PDF
(Portable Document Format) technology allows Contretemps to offer
contributors and readers the highest possible standard for electronic
publishing. Contretemps is able to maintain the requirements for scholarly
formatting and referencing in the humanities, as well as preserve special
stylistic and typographic content that is not available to HTML.

Contretemps is the official journal of the Australian Society for
Continental Philosophy (ASCP), and will publish selected papers from their
annual conference to be hosted by the School of Philosophy at the University
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 22-24 November, 2000. All conference
delegates are warmly invited to submit their papers for publication in
Contretemps (details forthcoming).

Contretemps will accept submissions at any time. Please visit Contretemps
and review our submission guidelines. An electronic version of your
manuscript in Microsoft Word format may be sent directly to:

Yours sincerely,

Contretemps editorial board
John Dalton
Justine McGill
Nicholas Strobbe

Please forward this e-mail to any interested party.


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