File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2000/spoon-announcements.0012, message 2

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:22:17 -0500
Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Souths, Global and Local: An Interdisciplinary Conference 

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Call for Papers:
"Souths, Global and Local: An Interdisciplinary Conference"
April 5-7, 2001
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida

What have been, and continue to be, the connotations of "the South?"
Why and how are regional spaces marked, mapped and/or constructed?  How
might southern regions be studied in juxtaposition with one another? How
these questions intersect with work in regional studies, cultural
critical theory, foreign languages, literature, history,
architecture, environmental studies, economics, political science,
studies, film and media studies, sociology,
anthropology, music and fine arts?

We invite papers and/or presentations which examine the identifications
and significations of southern regions from local and/or global contexts

(and also contexts which interrogate the global/local opposition).
Creative works and performances along with panel presentations will be

Possible topics may include but are not limited to:

Southern Regionalisms in the Arts
The Two Birminghams: England's Center for Cultural Studies and
The "Global South" and Late Capitalism
Modernity and Development in "the South"
The South of Which North?
Roundtable: Editing Journals in/about southern regions
Travel and Tourism
Artistic and Cultural Representations of "the South"
Southern Cartographies and (Post)Colonialism
Nostalgia and/or Primitivism
Nationalisms and "the South"
Southern Identities (Ethnic, Gendered, Classed)
Geographies and the Digital
Craft and Design
Regionalism and/in Popular Culture
Comparative Southern Regionalisms

Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes each.

Please send two copies of a one-page abstract or proposal by February 1,

2001 to:


c/o Department of English.
PO BOX 117310
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-117310

This conference is sponsored by the Department of English and the
of Liberal Arts and Science Student Council and organized by the English

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