Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 21:10:04 +0000 Subject: SPOON-ANN: Reviewers Sought / ANGELAKI [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without cross-posting. To unsub, send the message "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to] * * REVIEWERS SOUGHT * * ANGELAKI: journal of the theoretical humanities _Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities_ is seeking to expand its database of reviewers, individuals willing to referee work under consideration for publication in the journal. If you would like to register, please complete the below short questionnaire and return it to: _Angelaki_ is an international print/online journal publishing in philosophy, literary theory and cultural theory. The journal publishes two special issues and one general/open issue per volume/year and is currently in its volume 5. _Angelaki_ is published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis. If you are interested in registering and you are not familiar with _Angelaki_, please visit our web site before submitting the questionnaire. The web site gives full information about the journal including all contents lists since volume 1. Please see the end of this post for some notes. * When replying, please include "Angelaki" in you subject line. * Please do not send attachments. __________ * * QUESTIONNAIRE * * 1. Name: 2. Job title/affiliation: 3. Address (in full): 4. E-mail: 5. Telephone: 6a. Highest degree and subject area: 6b. Title of thesis/dissertation: 7. Current research areas and specialisms: a) b) c) 8. Broad areas of competence: a) b) c) 9. Any remarks on 8 and 9: 10. Recent publications (please give no more than 5, conference papers may be included): 11. Do you have any remarks about _Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities_? __________ * * NOTES * * _Angelaki_ is unable to offer reviewers an honorarium. Reviewers are acknowledged in the journal and given an order form (for each job) entitling them to 30% off a Taylor and Francis (including Routledge) book of their choice. Reviewers are contacted prior to essays being sent to them to ask if they are able to take on a job. 4--6 weeks is normally given for the submission (by e-mail) of reports. Information from questionnaires will not be made available beyond the editorial board and special-issue editors of _Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities_. For further information write to: * When replying, please include "Angelaki" in you subject line. * Please do not send attachments. Gerard Greenway managing editor A N G E L A K I journal of the theoretical humanities Routledge, Taylor & Francis 36A Norham Road Oxford OX2 6SQ United Kingdom
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