File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2002/spoon-announcements.0201, message 2

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 21:52:23 +0000
Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Third Wave Feminism (Exeter, UK) (14/02; 23-25/07)

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Abstracts are cordially invited, from members of all disciplines, for 
formal papers, panels, installations, readings, performances and/or 
round-table discussions for:

The Third Wave Feminism International Conference
Crossmead Conference Centre
University of Exeter, UK
23-25 July 2002

Keynote speakers: Germaine Greer, Elaine Showalter, Susan Stryker, E. Ann 
Kaplan and Nicole Ward Jouve

The conference, part of the Institute for Feminist Theory and Research 
( series, will address the parameters of second wave 
feminism, and post the question of a third wave in feminist theory and 
history.  It will attempt to capture a definition of third wave feminism(s) 
in order to redirect feminist enquiry without acceding to the defeatism 
implicit in postfeminism.

Topics to include:
What is Feminism?
Feminist Politics in the Academy
Third Wave Femininity
Who's Afraid of Essentialism?
Between Marxism and Postmodernism
Historicising the Third Wave
Visual Culture
(un)Popular Feminisms
Racial and Gendered Bodies
What Happened to the Sisterhood?
The Maternal Body
Reproductive Technologies
Reconstructing/Problematising the Second Wave
Literary Feminisms
Interrogating the "Waves"
Class and Gender
Between Materialism and Psychoanalysis

Confirmed Speakers: Jacqueline Labbe, Kate Fullbrook, Mary Orr, Sara Mills, 
Jacqueline Rose, John Dupre, Susan Hayward, Clare Hanson, Pamela 
Church-Gibson and Colin MacCabe.

Enquiries and Abstracts (by 14 February 2002):
Dr. Stacy Gillis
School of English
Queen's Building
University of Exeter
Exeter, EX4 4QH
United Kingdom
(01392) 264343

**Please forward to interested individuals or organisations.**


Dr. Stacy Gillis
Research Fellow in Cyberculture
School of English
University of Exeter


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