File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2002/spoon-announcements.0201, message 3

Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 23:18:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Flight Time: Moment and Momentum in the New Millenium 

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From: Jakki Spicer <>

                        CSCL Graduate Conference
          "Flight Time: Moment and Momentum in New Millenium"

                  University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

                            March 22-24, 2002

                                       [PLEASE NOTE EXTENDED DEADLINE]

                           Plenary Speakers:

    Manuel DeLanda, author of War In the Age of Intelligent Machines

        Kiarina Kordela, Department of German, Macalester College

How does the concept of flight imply both freedom and containment?  How
have our understandings of time and productivity changed?  How does the
seeming dissolution of the nation-state affect traditional notions of
identity and community?  How do contagion, crime and capital reconfigure
conceptual and material boundaries?  How will academia adjust to these

With this conference we hope to address the multiple implications of the
concept of flight. We welcome papers, panels and artistic interventions
from a broad spectrum of disciplines, addressing such issues as the

Urban (Im)mobility, Racial Profiling and Segregation

Movements and Migrations: Literary, Political, Critical, Aesthetic

Porous Borders: Freeing Trade and Restricting Bodies

Technologies of Connectivity, Freedom, and Captivity

Exiles and Refugees

Traffic in Women in the 21st Century

Moving Through Languages: The Stakes of Literary Translation

Time Travel and Travel Time

Waiting Rooms: Airports, Nursing Homes, Quarantines

Free Time

Nostalgia and Forgetting

Stages of Life: Child Time/Adult Time

Anachrony and Synchrony: Nachträglichkeit, Déjà-Vu, Nick at Night, and
Other Quirks of Time

Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words by FEBRUARY 7th to:
Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
University of MN, Twin Cities
350 Folwell Hall
9 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN  55455.

Or through the following electronic media:
fax: (612) 626 0228

You can find more information about the conference, panel proposals, the
department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, the
University of Minnesota etc. on the web at:

phone:(612) 626 8278


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