File spoon-archives/spoon-announcements.archive/spoon-announcements_2004/spoon-announcements.0404, message 2

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 15:19:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Gambling Theory (Extended Deadline)

 [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of
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Please note the extended submission deadline, MAY 15, for the conference,
"Gambling Theory."

Gambling Theory
October 13-17, 2004

This major international conference will be hosted by the Centre for the
Study of Theory and Criticism at the University of Western Ontario,
October 13-17, 2004, and will include more than 70 invited and selected
papers by faculty and graduate students.  Proceedings of previous theory
centre conferences ("Theory Between the Disciplines", "The Human Sciences
in the Age of Theory", and "The Histories of Theory") have now appeared
in book form.

The overarching themes of the conference focus on contemporary and past
theory as species of risk-taking. Tentative sessions include:

The ends of gaming
Taking practical risks in doing theory
The break-up of established interpretive systems
The moment of crisis tackled head-on
What redemption is there in risk taking?
The dubious synchronicity of theory and its objects
Chance by chance
Balancing the waste-book
Morality at the edge
What kinds of urgency?
Gamblers and Idiots
Getting badlucky
Theory gambled away
When to stop the game?
What prosthetic futures for such bright pasts?
Speculation and hazard
Theory junkies
The theory of gambling and the gambling of theory

The NEW deadline for submission is May 15, 2004.

Please send papers or detailed abstracts (750 words) electronically to

or by post or fax to:

Gambling Theory
The Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism
The University of Western Ontario
Room 200f, John Labatt Visual Arts Centre
London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada
Fax: (519) 661 2020

This call can also be viewed at

More information on The Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism can
found at


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