Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2004 23:27:04 -0400 Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP: Visible Fantasies: The (In)Visible, Disability, and Knowledge, [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without cross-posting. To unsub, send the message "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to] Call for Proposals for Panel at the Society for Literature and Science 18th Annual Conference, Durham, North Carolina, October 14th-17th, 2004 Visible Fantasies: The (In)Visible, Disability, and Knowledge How can (in)visible differences become active in identity politics? People experiencing migraines, people living with pain or cancer, mental health system survivors ^Ö these groups know about the problems communicating aspects of their experiences to others ^Ö ^Ñit^Òs all in the head^Ò characterizes many social reactions to invisible conditions. In a related way, people living with spina bifida, wheelchair users, people with facial differences and other disabled people find themselves too visible: their visible difference completely dominates their social position, and the reading of their lives by others. This panel will ask how these problems of (in)visibility present themselves at the meeting points of the arts and medical knowledge systems. How do art interventions mediate these knowledge problems? And how do people working within the medical system react to and interact with these issues? Please send proposals (300 words) and short CVs by April 25th to the panel organisers: Ann Millett, Petra Kuppers, Petra Kuppers Asst. Professor of Performance Studies English and Cultural Studies Department Bryant College 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield Rhode Island 02917 USA Artistic Director of The Olimpias Performance Research Projects office: 401 232 6455
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