Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 21:35:25 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPOON-ANN: CFP - Fibreculture Journal - Contagion and the Diseases of Information [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without cross-posting. To unsub, send the message "unsubscribe spoon-announcements" to] Call for Papers – the Fibreculture Journal – Contagion and the Diseases of Information, 2005 (please circulate) (please note that this is a different CFP to the recent FCJ CFP for a general issue) :: fibreculture:: has established itself as Australasia's leading forum for discussion of internet theory, criticism, and research. The Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed journal that explores the issues and ideas of concern and interest to both the Fibreculture network and wider social formations. Papers are invited for the ‘Contagion and the Diseases of Information’ Issue of the Fibreculture Journal, to be published in the first half of 2005. This issue will be Guest Edited by Dr Andrew Goffey. There are guidelines for the format and submission of contributions at <> <> . These guidelines need to be followed in all cases. Contributions should be sent electronically, as attachments, to Andrew Goffey at <> or <>. The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2004. CONTAGION AND THE DISEASES OF INFORMATION We suffer today from data-sickness, from the becoming-disease of information. The great epidemics of centuries past have been complemented by epidemics of signification propagated by media, the mimetic rivalries of desire are replaced by the replicating mechanisms of viral culture and the vampire of capital gives way to the parasite of empire. Are there any seeds for a new health, for creative potential, germs of resistance to be extracted from an ecology in which the divisions between nature and culture, matter and information, biological life and art are becoming indiscernible ? Theoretical models for understanding this situation have been available for some time now: In 1980, the philosopher of science, Michel Serres, proposed the parasite as an indissociably anthropological, biological and informational operator of interruptions in systems of exchange. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari proposed contagion as the model for becomings which would disrupt the orderly lineage of filiation. Other theorists have proposed to extend the models of epidemiology to communication processes or to generalise the model of infection beyond its inscription in the life sciences. * what are the practices, forces, movements exploring the parasitical disruptions of generalised hyper-exchange or the deterritorialising potentials of information-contagion? * What concrete explorations of vectors of infection are being explored by today's epidemiologists of media culture? * What biopolitical strategies are emerging for the control and management - the restratification - of destratified information and the aberrant movements of decoded matter? The Fibreculture Journal is looking for contributions exploring contemporary processes of contagion, parasitism, infection, mutation, replication, in media, technology, culture and art. The Fibreculture Journal is especially interested in contributions which explore the ambivalence and riskiness of these processes.
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