File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2000/technology.0006, message 16

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:10:02 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <>
Subject: [Novel, Fiction & Non-fiction] Electronic Literature Reading, at

Greetings world of technology,

[From the WORLD of ** The Electronic Literature Organization ** 
<> --forwarded via "Brown Writing List"
--Thought --might interest you --Enjoy the sessions.--Arun]

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 00:52:34 -0400
From: noah wardrip-fruin <noah-AT-CAT.NYU.EDU>

Please join us Friday June 16th from 6-8 PM at:

                          New York University's
               Center for Advanced Technology/Media Research Lab
                          719 Broadway, 12th Floor
                          New York, New York 10003

For an evening of interactive live readings from the world of Electronic


"Gray Matters" by Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Interconnecting stories embedded within a body constructed using the Pad
zooming user interface.

"We Descend" by Bill Bly
"We Descend" deals with the nature of history, especially as it is
captured by text left behind. "We Descend" presents a 'historical'
document and then explores, through various links, what that document may
represent and how it can be interpreted.

"Tank 20 Literary Studios"  by Rob Wittig
Bringing Gothic mystery and Renaissance Romance into the digital age in
"The Marsha Project" and "Friday's Big Meeting."

"The Ed Report" by Nick Montfort and William Gillespie
A secret government report about an extremely unusual surveillance
program, only now being revealed on the World Wide Web.

"The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot" by Stephanie Strickland
A lush poem of love gone wrong between Sand, she of silicon being, and
Harry Soot, man of carbon, man of flesh and mood.

"The Unknown" by by William Gillespie, Scott Rettberg, and Dirk Stratton
Cowinner of the 1998 trAce/AltX hypertext competition, a roadtrip comedy
about a book tour gone terribly wrong.

"The Electronic Chronicles" by Adrianne Wortzel
A publication of the Twin Lions Archaeological Expedition, The Casaba
Melon Institute.

"Daddy Liked His With Heart" by Jennifer Ley
A piece which utilizes text, animated gifs and midi tracks to explore the
stereotypes and clichÈs we associate with the word and symbol -- heart.

NOTE: Seating is limited, so please arrive on time if you would like to see
the readings.
The Electronic Literature Organization **
                  Scott Rettberg, Exec. Director
       4401 N. Ravenswood, Suite 304E ** Chicago IL 60640
                      t: 773.769.3540 ** f: 773.769.3829

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