File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2000/technology.0006, message 25

Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 10:24:38 -0700
From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <>
Subject: The Virtual Reality Survey : DreamGate survey of the changing

The Virtual Reality Survey :
DreamGate survey of the changing meaning of  "virtual"

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What is virtual and virtual reality?  Is it a computer mediated environment
that simulates landscapes we in which we feel immersed, or a process by
which humankind has always been progressing in which we are able to extend
our influence and confluence beyond our normal range and scope?  Are
virtual relationships unreal, or the next evolutionary step in higher
consciousness?  How has the Internet influenced the concept of the virtual?

The authors of this survey have been involved in studying various forms of
virtual reality and virtual interaction. We have noticed the use of the
word "virtual" is in flux, and many groups use the term in different
ways.  This survey is designed to bring out the uses and of the word, as
well as to gather in the various understanding of the concept in the early
21st Century.


If you would like to be notified when the survey results are published,
please enter your e-mail address here.  All **** e-mail addresses will be
kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than
notifications about the Virtual Reality survey.

send to

You are also invited to join the Virtual Community Mailing List


The DreamGate Virtual Reality Survey:
Please give your understanding or definition to any or all of the following
words and concepts:

Virtual  :

Virtual reality  :

Virtual reality (VR)  :

Virtual realism  :

Virtuality   :

Virtualization of the individual   :

Virtualization of culture   :

Virtualization of living/working space   :

Virtual community   :

Virtual workplace   :

Virtual organization (Company)   :

Virtual relationship   :

Virtual space   :

Virtual sex   :

Virtual vs actual   :

Virtual vs realized   :

Virtual vs non-virtual   :

Virtual Space vs Cyberspace   :

Virtual presence (and its responsibilities and status)   :

Other comments on the current definition and uses of the word "virtual" :

**** e-mail  (must enter if you want notification about the results)
Political Party:
Your interest in Virtual Reality:

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This survey is sponsored by:
Richard Wilkerson
4644 Geary Blvd  PMB 171
San Francisco, CA 94118
Phone: (415) 221-3239
Fax: (425) 984-9630

Permission granted to distribute this survey both online and offine.  2000

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