File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2000/technology.0006, message 6

Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 19:36:47 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <>
Subject: (My findings) Hans-Georg Gadamer    

Greetings All,

Some thoughts on the great eminent scholar -Hans Georg Gadamer- He
graduated in 1922 with a thesis on "The essence of pleasure and dialogue
in Plato". He is one of leading authorities on contemporary philosophy.

In his book,  "The Beginning of Philosophy" --he wrote, "The crucial thing
in my lectures on the Presocratics is that I begin neither with Thales nor
with Homer, nor do I begin with the Greek language in the second century
before Christ; I begin instead with Plato and Aristotle. This, in my
judgement, is the sole philosophical access to an interpretation of the
Presocratics. Everything else is historicism without philosophy." --With
these unequivocal words, Hans-Georg Gadamer initiates an effective
-historical exploration in which he peels away the layers of interpretation
and mis-interpretation that have built up over twenty-five hundred years
of presocratice scholarship. In this book, he has presented the early
works of Simplicius and Diogenes Laertius to the 19th century German
philosophers, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger.

Secondly, In his book, "The Beginning of Knowledge", Gadamer reminds us
that philosophy for the Greek was not just a question of metaphysics and
epistemology but encompassed cosmology, physics, mathematics, medicine,
and the entire reach of theoretical curiosity and intellectual mastery.
Whereas his most book, "The Beginning of Philosophy", dealt with the
inception of philosophical inquiry as such by focusing primarily on the
history of the reception and interpretation of Parmenides's didactic poem.

I thought, you might be knowing the above or you can give me more
references on Hans-Georg Gadamer! Thank you for your virtual guidances.

BTW, the eminent scholar, Prof. Hans-Georg Gadamer --who is now 100 years
old, is still busy and working at Heidelberg University, Germany..

Sincerely yours
Arun Tripathi

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