File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2000/technology.0006, message 76

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 17:54:14 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <>
Subject: [short report with concerns] Pokemon    

Greetings philosophers, computer scientists and SF lovers,

Hi, I hope you're doing well out there. Yesteray, I went to kino to see
the *Pokemon film* (may be a Japanese Production) with two small kids.
Actually, the film was made for small children to have fun and
entertain themselves. But, I was *suprised* to see the film, try to 
explain and answer some of the important questions of Humankind regarding
Ethics, Dasein and Cloning and raised more contemporary issues concerning 
Life. I was really absorbed in the film with different characters,
especially in "Mu" and "Piccachu". (In film) When the *Menschen*, have
already cloned the original Mu as "Mutwo". Then, Mutwo was always asking
questions, such as "Warum bin ich hier?", "Was sind meine aufgaben?" and
many more. Mutwo was asking some questions to himself as, "When *Menschen*
have cloned me, then *they* want me to be a slave of *Menschen*. And, the
cloned Mutwo was also saying, "Ich bin der Herrscher der Welt" sounds
dangerous. So, Is clonning necessary? And, if it is necessary to do
the clonning, then What is its *Dasein* and who is creator and created?
Then, we'll be loosing our original *Dasein* And, the most deadly scene
was --when cloned pokemons was fighting with the original pokemons. (this
scenarios is not good, when I thought of Human beings on the planet)

BTW..I will do more research on the film and will let you know,
later. I also think, the film *Pokemon* would also be making news in
Australia amongst kids and their parents and teachers in schools. The
film has more to say and have good pedagogical styles, but children always
must see this film with teachers and parents, so that they can get some
good teaching.

Sincerely yours
Arun Tripathi

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