File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2000/technology.0006, message 9

Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 20:27:41 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <>
Subject: Complete Media Ecology Association Conference schedule! 

Greetings technology lists,

[Hi, I --thought --this might interest you-- received Media Ecologists
Listserv, Dr. Lance Strate and SFWA President Prof. Paul Levinson. In the
next week, an interesting and magnificent event -Inaugural Media Ecology
Association Convention- is taking place at Fordham University's Lincoln
Center Campus in Manhattan McMahon Hall Lounge, Enter Lowenstein Hall 113
West 60th St. Please visit the MEA's web site at 
<> and hopefully will be updated next
week. In this MEA event, the great scholars, scientists and media
philosophers like, Neil Postman ((keynote speaker)), Robert Logan, Paul
Levinson, Lance Strate, Sue Barnes, Son of the Great father and Media
Icon, "Marshall McLuhan" Eric McLuhan are participating in this event.
Some more names, like James C. Morrison, Janet Sternberg, Bill Bly,
etc..May be I am missing some more names, for which I am sorry. EdResource
Members!! Please give your times to read the below details. WITH OTHER
PRESENTATIONS, these are important ones Paul Levinson on "McLuhan & Media
Ecology";  James Maroosis on "The Practical Wisdom of Marshall McLuhan";
Robert K.  Logan on "The New Gutenberg Galaxy"; Eric McLuhan on
"Environment vs. Anti-Environment Revisted"; James Curtis on "Simplicity,
Complexity, and the Historicism of Media Theory"; James Morrison (of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on "Hypermedia and Synesthesia". My
best wishes to Prof. Paul Levinson and his team!. Thank you.--Arun Kumar

Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 22:29:29 -0400
From: SFWA President <>

Hope to see all of you and more in the McMahan Hall Lounge next week!

All best, Paul
================================================Inaugural Media Ecology Association Convention

June 16-17, 2000
 at Fordham University's Lincoln Center Campus in Manhattan
McMahon Hall Lounge, Enter Lowenstein Hall 113 West 60th St.
=================================================================Program Schedule

Friday, June 16
8:30 - 9:00 registration
9:00 - 9:30  Introductions & Greetings
9:30 - 10:00 paper:

Paul Levinson (Fordham University): "McLuhan & Media Ecology"
10:00 - 11:15 Session #1: papers:
James Maroosis (Fordham University): "The Practical Wisdom of Marshall
Robert K.  Logan (University of Toronto) : "The New Gutenberg Galaxy"
Eric McLuhan (University of Toronto): "Environment vs. Anti-Environment
James Curtis (University of Delaware): "Simplicity, Complexity, and the
Historicism of Media Theory"
11:30 - 12:45 Session #2: panel:  "Behaving and Misbehaving OnLine"
chair: Susan Barnes (Fordham University) panelists:  Janet Sternberg (New
York University) Barbara Jo Lewis (Brooklyn College) Jennifer Warren (New
York University)
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 3:15 Session #3: papers:
James Morrison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) "Hypermedia and
John McDaid (New York University): "An Ecology of Hypermedia Narrative"
Glenn Hauman (Bibliobytes): "Three Laws of Growth on the Internet"
Woong Park (University of Southern Maine): "Media Systems Dependeny Theory
& the Internet"

3:30-4:45 Session #4: panel: "Media Ecology and the American Intellectual
Tradition" chair:  Lance Strate  (Fordham University) panelists:  Judith
Yaross Lee  (Ohio University) Dominic Balestra (Fordham University) James
W.  Carey (Columbia University) Camille Paglia (University of the Arts)

5:00 - 5:30 President's Address (Lance Strate, Fordham University)
5:30 - 6:00  Presentation of  MEA Awards
6:00 - 6:30 Keynote Address (Neil Postman, New York University)
6:30 - 7:30  Reception with snacks
7:30 - 8:45 Session #5: panel: "Topics on the Media Ecology Listserv"
chair: Raymond Gozzi, Jr. (Ithaca College) panelists: Janet Sternberg (New
York University) Robert K.  Logan (University of Toronto) James Morrison
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
 Saturday, June 17
8:30 - 9:00 registration
9:00 - 10:00 Business meeting
10:00 - 11:15 Session #6: panel: (roundtable) "Green Versus Ivy: Theory in
a World of Practice" panelists:  Stephanie Gibson (University of Baltimore) 
Neil Kleinman (University of Baltimore) Christine Nystrom (New York
University) John McDaid (New York University)

11:30 - 12:45 Session #7: papers:  
Paul Kelly (Canadian Broadcasting Company): "The Necessity of Illusion in
Norman Steinhart (University of Toronto): "Breaking the Curse of

Read Mercer Schuchardt (New York University): "Understanding Road Rage"
Mehpare  Kaynak (Temple University) & Geoffrey Forney (University of
Tennessee): "Heidegger and the Internet"

1:00 - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 3:45 Session #8:  papers:
Ellen Frisina (Hofstra University): "How E-Mail Defines Us"
Louise  Penbethy (University of Baltimore): "Live Video as an Equal Player
in Improvisational Theater"
Boris Yesil (New York University): "Video Surveillance and Media Theory"
Jerry Domatob (Southampton College):  "Sub-Saharan Africa & the New
Communication Technologies"

Olga Leontovich (Volgograd Pedagogical University & Ramapo College of New
Jersey) "US - Russian Communication  Patterns: Dangers of Asymmetry"

4:00 - 5:45 Session #9: papers:

Edmond Chibeau (Eastern Connecticut State Univ): "Scholasticism and Media
Joseph Slade (University of Ohio): "Media Ecology as Metaphor"
Yong-Chan Kim (University of Southern California): "Communication Media as
Stephen Biggs (York University) "Psychology and the New Media"
Boris Potyatynyk (Lviv National University & University of Iowa): "Mass
Media as a Self-Expanding Megamachine"

6:00 - 6:20: Paper:
Joshua  Meyrowitz (University of New Hampshire)
6:20 - 8:00 Reception and "Media Ecology Unplugged"
by John McDaid & Bill Bly

Conference Coordinator: Paul Levinson
Associate Coordinator: Janet Sternberg
===================================================================From: STRATE-AT-FORDHAM.EDU

Participants will be given the option of submitting their papers for
publication in a Proceedings to be edited by Janet Sternberg and Mark
Lipton, and published on the MEA website.  If possible, we'll also include
some audio files for all you audiophiles.


Great going Paul!  Looks like we're on our way.
I'd like to add that the schedule will be posted on the MEA's web site:
<> and hopefully will be updated next week.
Thanks to Mary Ann Allison and J Metz for getting the site up and
running--feedback and suggestions are welcome.


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