File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2001/technology.0109, message 16

Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 20:16:42 -0500
From: "Dr. Ovsei Gelman" <>
Subject: Re: Bush caused  Manhattan destruction

Can anybody explain me what relation has this staff with the technology 
list and why do we have to read it?
And I naively believed that the last communist is going to die in a Latin 
American University.
O. Gelman

At 04:01 a.m. 15/09/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Be free to join our communism mailing list at 
>The recent use of hijacked aircraft in an attack on US buildings involving the
>destruction of two of the tallest buildings in the world and damage to the
>Pentagon has had a serious political impact on the global situation.
>The fact that such a coordinated operation, despite the loss of thousands of
>lives, has had such a serious ongoing political impact is a reflection of the
>weakness of American imperialism. The fact that the actions of a relatively
>small number of  terrorists is followed by a political change on the present
>ongoing scale is  evidence of the serious crisis facing global capitalism. 
>It is
>evidence too of the increasing obsolescence of capitalism and the existence of
>objective conditions, already overripe, for the establishment of communist
>relations of production. It is not insignificant that these events and their
>serious political impact has been taking place in the context of growing 
>capitalist economic slowdown.
>The destruction wrought by the terrorist operation, notwithstanding its scale,
>is not a cause, by itself, for the significant political changes that are
>following from it. The American bourgeoisie is exploiting this terrorist 
>act to
>wilfully generate an atmosphere and mood that provides the pretext for the
>present kind of political response by US imperialism. It is clear that the
>socio-political difficulties facing the US bourgeoisie are on such a scale 
>it requires the kind of political conditions it is currently seeking to
>construct in the aftermath of this recent terrorist act. American imperialism,
>through the medium of its state apparatii and its mass media, has been
>relentlessly whipping up hysteria both domestically and globally to provide
>itself with the pretext to create changing political conditions that 
>better suit
>its class interests. Such changed circumstances gives the US bourgeoisie the
>pretext for domestically broadening and intensifying its already aggressive
>imperialist actions --actions that have led to this loss of life in Manhattan
>and Washington. The fact that it must whip up such hysteria to escalate its
>domestic and international aggressiveness is  irrefutable evidence of its fear
>of the American and indeed world working class. Because of its class 
>weakness it
>is  increasingly unable to freely engage in increasingly aggressively
>imperialist action without first having to generate conditions (through the
>whipping up of mass hysteria etc.) that fool the US working class into 
>and actively supporting its oppressive policies. However as its present
>aggressiveness is broadened and intensified the consciousness of layers of the
>US working class will increasingly penetrate the fog of bourgeois 
>to see the naked predatory nature of US capitalism.
>It is the duty of communists to courageously highlight the real source of the
>terrorist act that has resulted in so much loss of the lives of American
>workers. It is the duty of communists to urge the working class to resist and
>challenge the predatory actions of US imperialism against the masses of the
>world. This means that  communists, where possible must, organise against the
>vast propaganda machinery of the capitalist state that is being used to 
>whip up
>hysteria and jingoism. It must, where possible, organise rallies and other 
>of popular protest against Washington's increasing  aggressiveness against the
>US and world working class.
>The source of the recent terrorist operation that has led to the loss of 
>life of
>many American workers is none other than US imperialism. The increasing
>intensification of American imperialist aggression on the global stage against
>the world working masses is the cause of this act of terrorism. Washington's
>bombing of Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Serbia is the cause of this recent
>terrorist act on US soil and will be the cause of further  terrorist acts.
>American imperialism's invasion of Serbia and active support for the current
>savage attempt by the Israeli state to crush the Palestinian people is the
>source of this terrorism. By treating people like pigs they will act like 
>Consequently the American working class must place the blame for this 
>great loss
>of working class  life on the real perpetrators of this terrorist act  --the
>world's greatest terrorist, the US bourgeoisie. It must accordingly proceed to
>rid itself of this class by destroying capitalism and replacing it with
>communist society. In this way it will have created the conditions that will
>make terrorism an impossibility. American imperialism  pursues policies that
>lead to the death and injury of hundreds of thousands of workers both 
>inside and
>outside the US. Today instead of joining hands with its bourgeoisie US workers
>must join hands with the workers of the world  who have suffered too at the
>hands of  US imperialism. It is a capitalist class whose time is over and that
>can no longer play any progressive role in the development of society. Its 
>are covered in blood --it is a  natural born killer. It must be eliminated by
>American workers class joining hands with European, Arab and Asian workers
>against US imperialism in the  interests of humanity. By the world working 
>jointly acting against US imperialism it is  uniting against all terrorism 
>only real way of eliminating terrorism.
>Karl Carlile
>To read or download our global communist programme click the following:
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