File spoon-archives/technology.archive/technology_2001/technology.0109, message 25

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 23:10:16 +0100
Subject: Re: Communism list postings

oh yellow brick roads then amoungst many others...

malgosia askanas wrote:

>>The technology I use can quite adequately censor the posts I want to...
>Thanks for letting me know, I am happy to hear it.  Hope your health is fine,
>>Can you tell me where this 'malgosia askanas' name derives from?
>Derives _what_ from?  Its mysterious beauty, you mean?  It derives it from
>its very special combination of sound, I believe.
>     --- from list ---


oh yellow brick roads then amoungst many others...

malgosia askanas wrote:
The technology I use can quite adequately censor the posts I want to...

Thanks for letting me know, I am happy to hear it. Hope your health is fine,

Can you tell me where this 'malgosia askanas' name derives from?

Derives _what_ from? Its mysterious beauty, you mean? It derives it from
its very special combination of sound, I believe.


--- from list ---

--- from list ---

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