File spoon-archives/third-world-women.archive/third-world-women_1995/95-12-16.075, message 15

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 08:23:54 +0400
From: (robert richard rigolosi)
Subject: the contingent cannibal

i think the only way out is acknoweldge the "always already" nature of
epistemic violence (this may be the catholic part of me making a last gasp
attempt to resurect itself -- i'm willing to listen to arguments both ways)
 BUT then switch to the contingent, on the stuff that you see before you
--- kindda like the spivakian "strategic essentialism"?

the issue of rhetoric & action is at play here, too --- i think it's easier
to talk this talk than to walk this walk --- i'm thinking about a new book
out on bhaktapur in nepal studing newari culture --- the author is fully
aware of the problems of representations, and is "disquieted" that he can't
represent the full newari cult., only a cross-section, but then doesn't
explore his state of "disquiet".

i think negotion is an interesting thing, too, 'cause the only people who
think they don't have to negotiate unless pressed are the power structure, 
but then there are pockets of resistence left to exploit so oppositional
politics becomes an "exploitation of the pockets" (alla radway & bobbo &
d'acci & penley et al)  but is that sufficient for oppositional politics?



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