1 | May 02, 1999 | Cyberdiva | xxxxxxx | 51 |
2 | May 02, 1999 | Sharma Priti | Postcolonial Children's texts and Intertextuality/Allusion | 20 |
3 | May 03, 1999 | Cyberdiva | online poem and story | 20 |
4 | May 04, 1999 | Singh, Jaspal | Re: publishers address | 32 |
5 | May 06, 1999 | Cyberdiva | mythologiesfictionsrealitiescyborgwati | 85 |
6 | May 08, 1999 | Daniel Carter | after a while | 36 |
7 | May 10, 1999 | Daniel Carter | [Modern] both/and 23 (e........filelif........e) | 31 |
8 | May 14, 1999 | Daniel Carter | a riddly lensed entitype | 31 |
9 | May 16, 1999 | Daniel Carter | (haunted) in the q-w-e-s-t of colour | 57 |
10 | May 16, 1999 | Daniel Carter | onto the stage walked... | 30 |
11 | May 17, 1999 | xxxxxxx | fyi | 38 |
12 | May 17, 1999 | xxxxxxx | Fwd: (foil-l) SAVAC -call for submissions (fwd) | 162 |
13 | May 29, 1999 | Daniel Carter | gliss a gla(s) amour ooze darkend abode | 42 |
14 | May 29, 1999 | iview-AT-technologist.com | Re: gliss a gla(s) amour ooze darkend abode | 34 |
15 | May 31, 1999 | Daniel Carter | Re: gliss a gla(s) amour ooze darkend abode | 91 |
16 | May 31, 1999 | Daniel Carter | Re: gliss a gla(s) amour ooze darkend abode | 38 |
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